

Whenever you use hand-held powered work equipment, vibration can affect your hands and arms.




Prolonged exposure to vibration can cause permanent changes to nerves, blood vessels, muscles and joints. And can lead to hand arm vibration syndrome or HAVS (Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome), which can be severely disabling.




Early signs and symptoms of HAVS are tingling, numbness and weakness in your fingers. If you feel any of these things and if the symptoms persist, stop work, tell your supervisor about it, and get medical advice.




You could be at risk of developing HAVS, if you regularly have to use vibrating equipment. And the longer and more often you use it, the greater the risk.




The same applies, if you're holding work pieces which vibrate while being processed by powered machinery. It's important to assess the risks before you start. A risk assessment should consider whether the job could be done differently without using vibrating tools and machines.




If the task must use vibrating tools, you should make sure it's the right tool for the job and that it's been properly maintained and works efficiently. If possible, use low vibration tools.




Hand-Arm Vibration risk assessment should also assess how long equipment can be safely used for, and how often you should take a rest.




When doing the job, make sure you stay warm and dry if possible, particularly, your hands. Also, if you can, reduce the length of time you use a tool in one go by taking a break.




Don’t force a tool or work piece more than you have to. And when you're finished, ensure tools are put away and stored properly.




Are you prepared?

